How would you like to be the MAN women crave!?
PUA’s and dating gurus don’t get to the core problem. There is something deeper going on – you can play a bigger game and have more power, more women, more fun! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been a total loser, you can come back and create an excellent future full of life, full of everything that’s been missing.
The men’s movements and personal development programs out there miss the mark. Rather than introducing man to being a man, they introduce men to something that falls just below, a bit more feminine. Whether it’s general consensus building or “spiritual awakening!”… That still leaves us unfulfilled. There is a core process which must be experienced in order to realize a man’s true masculine nature.
The paradigm shift is upon us here in the modern world!  Who we thought we were isn’t working as well as we really want it to. There is no time to wait for permission, no time to see what works, because your life is happening now. You must act now.
What I am offering you is a unique opportunity – an experience that may never be repeated. A rite of passage so to speak, but empowered in a new energy by the inner game teachers. Folks such as Hypnotica, Mark Cunningham, Steve P, Johnny Soporno, and a multitude of other masculine male models, I have developed a technique that will streamline their teachings and make a BAM! impact on your game both inner and outer ~ and actually your whole life!
Using the teachings of virtually everyone I’ve studied from Including Richard Bandler and the Dalai Lama in one form or another, I have developed the most powerful men’s weekend ever!
I offer it to you now!
The opportunity of a complete transition into your masculinity!
 You will leave here a changed man!
This weekend is about leaving behind any unwanted traits of childhood.  Traits such as neediness, love dependency, indecision, and other childhood characteristics.  Men need a hard break from boyhood and a shove into manhood,
This weekend is that break, the shove you’ve been needing.  The change event that is all about stepping into and owning your masculine power.
During this process I will be helping each participant to make the transition from boyhood into manhood. Not in some namby pamby way either ~  I’m talking the deep metaphorical chamber where your mind will be opened by two NLP Masters and a master magician. Don’t expect it to be all spiritual, light, and airy.  This is about owning your masculinity.  This is your time to step into what it means to transition into a man ~ from the inside.
Ok, so – no violence or nudity or anything like that will occur, but you will be challenged in other ways.
My name’s DJ. I began exploring sex and sexuality when I was about age 10.  I studied philosophy and beliefs directly in person with many of the great men of our times. A few years ago after a particularly difficult relationship (in the throes of heartbreak), I decided I would never feel that way again.  I also decided to reinvent myself.  While I had a lot of experience with sex and women, I still had a part of me that made me … let’s say less than masculine okay.   Let’s just say needy and dependent okay,  let’s say some kind of a train wreck mommy’s boy when I would get the “equipment” ~ which was pretty often.
Not knowing where I was going to be going, or what experiences I would have on the way, this decision to reinvent myself was from my core.  It was from the deepest part of who I am.  I had to stop treating myself as though I was in desperate need of any woman.  I had to shift away from the misplaced loyalties and begin to place the loyalty in myself.  Well to be honest, I really didn’t know what was going to happen, but I kept my mind open!  Armed with my Buddhist history and my curiosity, I began to explore what it means to be a man.   Becoming a Master NLP practitioner and trainer, I set about to change the way I looked at the world and WOW ~ change it did!
I’ve had a lot of sexual encounters in the past with a variety of women – sometimes more than one.  I discovered that I still lived in a world where it was reasonable to ask a woman for sex. I realized that most everyone I knew was lost about how to initiate sex with women and how to maintain their manliness when it comes to women….So I have created with the guidance from some of my friends and supporters a weekend which will enable you to Kill the Inner Wussy!  
Once and for all.
Deep inside, every boy has the blueprint of a man.  The design of what he can become. Most men never know what this design is. They continue on living as boys in men’s bodies, never knowing the power and the strength of their own masculinity.  All of that potential goes unused far too often.
I am offering this weekend on a one time only basis. I do not know if I will ever repeat this, however if you are among the first to pass through this threshold you will discover a way of existing more powerful than any of you had known before.
  • If you’ve noticed yourself being uncomfortable around women, this weekend’s for you.
  • If you ever felt like you weren’t good enough for any woman this event is for you.
  • If you ever felt needy, dependent, or insecure this is where you need to be.
  • If you want to step into the reality of the situation, any situation, and feel powerful this is what you do.
If you want to be in charge of your emotions, make a bigger impact on your life and the lives of those around you all the while enjoying the process and having it feel more like play than work – THIS IS WHERE YOU WANT TO BE!!!
If you are satisfied and fulfilled in your relationships, then this is not the place for you.  Congratulations and Have Fun!
I’m gonna a make you a guarantee! If by the end of the second day you are not completely satisfied with changes that you are making in your life we will completely refund your money. If you can’t clearly see and feel the value you wanted – you don’t have to talk about it, you can just go.  This 2 day intensive seminar will completely transform you and your life.
Dates to be announced!
Sign up below and we’ll notify you so you can get the best price.

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Once you have decided that this is the best decision for you, SIGN UP NOW to receive more information about this life changing opportunity!
It pays to be decisive…

1 thought on “MEN!!

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